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Right Motion: Relief your pain only with





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Rua Engenheiro Saturnino de Brito, 207 - Vila Itapura - Campinas-SP - Brasil

Right Motion: Relief your pain only with exercises(圖1)-速報App

Know the Right Motion Method for carpal tunnel syndrome, Neck Pain (Cervical Pain), Neck Pain (Cervical Pain), Herniated disc, Sciatica Nerve Pain, Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis) and Cauda Equina Syndrome.

You will find in this app, elaboreated exercises series for each one of those diseases. You only have to spend couple minutes per day and you will notice the relief in the first days.The exercises were elaborated in graduated way, which allow the users to begin with the easy ones and then, increasing the difficult level, as you go.

The app will warning you in the fifth day to do a self evaluation. We trully believe in our method so, if you dont feel better and dont notice any pain relief, please stop using it imediatally and look for a doctor as soon as possible.

What pathologies are covered?

Right Motion: Relief your pain only with exercises(圖2)-速報App

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Neck Pain (Cervical Pain)

Sciatica Nerve Pain

Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)

Right Motion: Relief your pain only with exercises(圖3)-速報App

Herniated disc

Lower back pain

Cauda Equina Syndrome

carpal tunnel syndrome

Right Motion: Relief your pain only with exercises(圖4)-速報App

How is the Right Motion Method?

This method is based exclusively on exercises and stretches. Uses elastic band, weight, ball and stick. The most common is 1kg, 2kg or 4kg.

Why does this treatment work?

This method works because our body was made to have balance, that is, you will stretch and strengthen practically all muscle groups and you will have muscular balance.

Right Motion: Relief your pain only with exercises(圖5)-速報App

What is the worst situation I can experience with the Right Motion Method?

The worst situation is you do not improve. If you do not feel any improvement in the first 5 days, you should discontinue treatment and seek medical advice.

Author: Thiago Nishida is a physiotherapist in Brazil and develops this method so that people without access to the health system have an alternative in an efficient way and using technology.

About Pathologies

Right Motion: Relief your pain only with exercises(圖6)-速報App

The Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is one of the pathologies whose incidence grows the most due to the excessive use of the computer, mouse and cellular.

Cervicalgia (neck pain): The method for neck pain also works for torticollis and "katakori".

Lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow): lateral epicondylitis is a tendonitis in the elbow, specifically in the wrist extensor group.

Low back pain (Lumbar spine pain), Disc hernia, Cysticgia (sciatic nerve pain) and Equine tail syndrome are pathologies that affect the lumbar spine in several ways. This method uses a subgroup protocoto, a renowned international method. So you need to answer a basic question.

Right Motion: Relief your pain only with exercises(圖7)-速報App

The question to define your low back pain is if it worsens in the movement of flexion and extension. With this the Method will be a success.

Author: Thiago Nishida is a physiotherapist in Brazil and develops this method so that people without access to the health system have an alternative in an efficient way and using technology.

Always seek your doctor.

Right Motion: Relief your pain only with exercises(圖8)-速報App